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Dark Soul 2 Game Guide

Firelink Shrine Area
Crow drops you off in the middle of ruins of the Temple FireLink. This region acts as a central hub to the world you open Dark Souls. Throughout the game, you given the opportunity to store a variety of NPCs that will eventually make their way into the temple and provide goods and services. Until now, there are only Warrior disappointed sit in front of you and Anastacia, a mute woman jailed under fire.

Also check just next to the campfire and take Humanitarian there. From here, there are three way you can head in once you arrive at the Temple. Down the stairs in addition campfire is an elevator that leads to the New Londo Ruins, an underground ghost town filled with the spirit of this time can not harm. Northwest campfire is a graveyard filled with regeneration the framework that will slice you to pieces in seconds. Although you are too weak to fight your way through, this is a great place to begin practicing your suicide run. With your soul count is low enough, there is little penalty in getting destroyed by the framework. Plus, you should be pretty fast to avoid the enemies and pick up some treasures scattered throughout cemetery. If you take the frame, using weapons such as mace smashing, you will cause deterioration. The Northern Route (middle option) leads to an area that has some chests with useful items in it. Once you pick up items that should drop to the Tomb of the foregoing.

With those tougher options off limits for the time being, your only option is to head up the staircase to the east and start making your way towards the Undead Berg. The hillside is guarded by a group of skeleton warriors and archers. Keep your shield up and try to draw them towards you after the other to keep away from being overwhelmed. In the picture to the lower left (with the enemy highlighted by lock-on) you can leap from the edge to the stone part of the bridge. In case you do so, walk all the way to the finish to receive a Ring of Sacrifice (in case you die and it is equipped no souls are lost but ring breaks). Jump back from the stones to the land. One time you have made it past the creatures, navigate up the stairs and through the aqueduct to enter the Undead Berg.